
What our customers say

herblife just tea girl illustration

Hi there, my name is Michael and I regularly visit the Herb Life Just Tea Stall at Walthamstow. I was diagnose Type 2 Diabetics. Thanks to Shirley & Clive advice and months of Drinking Mango, Soursop and Guava  Left Tea. I am now Diabetic free. Trust in these guys wonderful knowledge of herbs which we have had in our midst for centuries and  spend our money wisely. Thank you again Shirley and Clive and One Love.

My name is Inno. I’m proud to say that I am 78 years of age. My son-in-law introduced me to the stall Herb life “just tea.” Since coming to the Herb Life “Just Tea” stall,  taking advice, the Herbs as well as the Super Scrumptious SeaMoss Shake, I feel twenty years younger and feel more strong and healthy in my body. People say that I look younger than my age. Thanks to the Herb life “Just Tea”.

Dear Shirley & Clive, I pray that all is well with you both of you.   I am so greatful for the Women’s Herbs you recommended. From the 2nd week of using it I immediately noted my stomach was not bloated at all furthermore, all the monthly excruciating pains I get vanished.  I can always predict when I get my monthlies due to certain pains and small painful spots on the same places on my face 2 weeks before it arrives , I was caught totally unaware and did not realise it was that time of the month this time around!  The flow was also much lighter, brighter (which zi understand means its fresh blood) hardly any clots, usually I can feel the flow actually passing, I have not felt a thing. As I mentioned to you I had 19 fibroids taken out 2 yrs ago and they have returned.  I elected not to have another operation, so finding you guys was a real God send. I am so greatful and thank God for your humbleness and simplicity.  May God continue to bless the works of your hands. Thank you both. Regards, S

I have been diagnosed with PCO only recently. My period over the last year and half has not been regular until I tried your tea. All of the sudden in August when I took the tea my period was coming regularly every month every 31-32 days. This month I started to feel like crap again and my period is now late again .. I tried to look for an explanation as I was doing so well and although I have PCO the period has been on time since I took the tea! I come to the realisation that I need to get the tea again cause it can’t be a coincidence my period was on time after I took the tea since August.

Hi All…. Is my imagination or does “Ladies Herbs” grow one’s hair like a rain forest…. My hair has become soooo thick.. .   Throwing away all those miracle creams/lotions…..I have not used an Afro comb in 5 yrs until today (very painful!! ).  I appreciate these herbs work differently in each of us.  I can only testify that since using it for 6 weeks, my hairline and hair is considerably fuller, my hormone levels are balanced, I can feel my  fibroids have broken down, my stomach is not bloated, skirts that fitted OK are now loose round the waist, my fibroids were very high up so my stomach was not really protruding but I was constantly bloated and felt heavy. Period is now lighter, no clots, no need for pain killers, jiggy jiggy now fun!
I am not into healh gimmicks and have had 2 surgeries for fibroids as I was in pain and thought this was the solution.   I keep thanking God for giving me the grace to give these herbs a try.  Clive and Shirley spent ages talking to me about them with no pressure whatsoever to buy…. Am so blessed to have  stumbled on their stall by chance… As they say… God will always meet you at your point of need…..I was getting so depressed, hubby actually asked me 2 weeks ago “what’s up? Why are you being so nice?” cos my hormones were all over the place, as I said all I can say is that it works for me….

illustration of leaf
sea moss
illustration of leaf